Let’s be grateful for what we have now.

“It’s a common story to realize things after losing them.”

The gratitude for health becomes apparent when you fall ill. The appreciation for the ability to see, to walk, and more.

Similarly, the feeling of gratitude arises when losing parents or family, or when water becomes scarce after a disaster.

If that’s the case, I believe it’s better to deeply appreciate what we have now before it’s lost. There are so many things to be grateful for in abundance around us.

Breathing is a blessing, and being able to eat a meal is a blessing too.

Instead of realizing it only after losing something, perhaps it’s better to appreciate what we have while it’s still here.

”This is also well-being.”

昭和~令和までサラリーマンやってます。心がフッと軽くなる考え方や、元気に生きて行こうという気持ちになるブログを目指してます。誰かのために、もっとWell Being(幸福)な世の中のために!

    Well Being未分類
